JTC unites thousands of Jeep enthusiasts from all around the US for an annual 5 day Jeep event on the MS Gulf Coast which offers 26 miles of beautiful white sandy beaches. The event is always the Wednesday through Sunday after Memorial Day. We set up multiple family friendly events for Jeepers to hang together or branch off into their own adventure throughout the Gulf Coast. Jeep Central and Vendor Village is located in The Friendly City of Long Beach, MS on Jeff Davis Ave, just one block off the beach.
Registration includes Swag Bag, Event Shirt, Event Decal, Event Koozie, Poker Run and Scavenger Hunt, JEEP only Beach Crawls (2 DAYS), Show and Shine Entry, “Lightin the Nights” Light Show Entry and “Shakin the Streets” Sound Show Entry. We offer Block Parties, Concert in the Streets, Jeep Only Mardi Gras Style Parade, and Go Duck~Kids Scavenger Hunt. Come join us for 5 days of family fun!
Ready. Set. Let’s Roll!