29th All Breeds Jeeps Show 2025
The All-Breeds Jeep Show, hosted by PA Jeeps, Inc., is entering its 30th year in 2025 (unfortunately, due to the uncertainty in 2020, we were forced to cancel the show that year, making this the 29th annual show). Originally held in the York, PA area, we found our way to the Carlisle Fairgrounds in 2021 after the York Fair was moved to the weekend of our show, forcing us to find a new venue. The show is produced by the volunteers, friends, and families of PA Jeeps members. Attendees come together for two days of fun surrounding everything Jeep. Our Show and Shine and Obstacle Course, built onsite by show volunteers each year, are just some of the highlights of the show. Whatever model and year of Jeep you own is welcome. Not yet a part of the Jeep community? Come check it out! All money raised goes back into Club operations and supports local charitable organizations.