2nd annual Ascension Jeep Invasion – Jeepin 4 Vets
All day FAMILY FRIENDLY event!
9:00AM to 9:00PM
Live bands (indoors 11am to 9pm)
Vendor Village (9am to 3pm)
50/50 tickets
Silent Auction
Drinks (with full bar inside)
Please join with Bayou Jeep Mafia in raising money for our local VFW & Veterans by coming out to this event & showing your support. Everyone is invited! This is not for Jeepers only! We had a great turnout last year & excited to see this one be even bigger & better! All info & updates will be posted on our event’s group facebook page “Ascension Jeep Invasion – Jeepin 4 Vets”.
Please spread the word to all the Jeepers & Jeep clubs you know! Share our group event page! All proceeds from this event goes back to The VFW Post 3693 in Gonzales, Louisiana!